Koi Watercolor 12 color pocket set
Sakura Koi Watercolor Pocket Field Sketch Box Set, 12-Colors. On-site watercolor painting is simple with a studio right at the artists' fingertips! The set includes a waterbrush with a large water reservoir barrel, a detachable medium brush tip, two dabbing sponges, a snap lid that acts as an easel for postcard size papers and a detachable palette that secures to the set base either to the right, left or center sides. Half pans of Koi watercolors are specially formulated to blend easily to create an endless color range. Colors included are Chinese white, lemon yellow, permanent yellow deep, vermilion hue, crimson lake, Prussian blue, cobalt blue hue, viridian hue, permanent green pale, yellow ochre, light red and ivory black.