Rembrandt Artists Pastel 300C60.5 Set of 60 half sticks

The Rembrandt soft pastels set 300C60.5 contains 60 half sized sticks in a basic color assortment. It comes in a cardboard box with foam insert for storing your pastels.
Contents: 60 half pastels
(100.5 - 201.5 - 201.8 - 202.5 - 202.7 - 205.5 - 205.8 - 227.5 - 227.7 - 227.9 - 231.7 - 234.5 - 235.5 - 235.8 - 236.5 - 236.9 - 318.8 - 331.5 - 331.7 - 372.5 - 397.9 - 408.5 - 408.7 - 408.9 - 409.5 - 409.7 - 409.9 - 411.5 - 411.7 - 411.9 - 505.9 - 506.5 - 506.7 - 508.7 - 536.9 - 538.5 - 545.3 - 545.5 - 548.7 - 570.5 - 618.5 - 618.9 - 619.5 - 620.3 - 620.5 - 620.7 - 626.3 - 626.5 - 626.9 - 627.3 - 627.5 -640.7 -640.9 -675.5 - 675.8 - 700.5 -704.5 -704.8 - 727.5 - 727.8)