Michael Harding
Michael Harding Oil Paint - 507 Cobalt Turquoise Deep 40ml

Inorganic – Cobalt Turquoise Deep is a heavy, dense blue-green with low tint power. It was introduced along with many inorganic metallic pigments from 1830-40. No. 507 has grey-blue undertones that don’t overturn mixes and form interesting effects when combined with the Yellow Lakes. For a landscape painter this is a real “Wow” as it practically paints the hazy atmospheric mists of distant hills itself.
- Color Index: PB36
- Drying Time: Average
- Transparency: Semi-Transparent
- Lightfastness: Excellent
- Oil Content: Low
- Tint Power: Average
- Toxicity: Non-Toxic
- ASTM D-4236
- Prop 65: Yes
- Vegan: Yes