Michael Harding
Michael Harding Oil Paint - 307 Cremnitz White in Walnut Oil 40ml (Toxic)

Inorganic – Created for fun, I put this version of Cremnitz White into my range because of walnut oil. This combination of pigment and walnut oil produces wonderful qualities, a favorite of which is translucency. Another is the brushing quality, which makes painting with Cremnitz so rewarding. These qualities allow the artist to create wonderful flesh tones and thick, translucent brush strokes, thus providing the artist with a feel for the way the Old Masters painted—with ease and flow.
- Color Index: PW1
- Drying Time: Slow
- Transparency: Semi-Transparent
- Lightfastness: Excellent
- Oil Content: Very Low
- Oil Type: Walnut Oil
- Tint Power: Average
- Toxicity: Toxic
- ASTM D-4236
- Prop 65: Yes
- Vegan: Yes