Michael Harding
Michael Harding Oil Paint - 132 Italian Green Umber 40ml
Inorganic, Natural Earth – This lovely Italian Green Umber is a romantic, earthy colour ground in linseed oil. It’s an inorganic pigment especially chosen for its deep, green, warm, and semitransparent undertone. It’s ideal for plein air painters to create rich, earthy greens in their landscapes; portrait artists will appreciate the paint’s ability to help an artist achieve effects like shadows; and No. 132 also proves useful in tonal drawings at the start of a painting. The handling of the paint is smooth and consistent, but you might consider adding a couple of drops of stand oil to enhance its rich moss colour. Please consider Michael's Italian Green Umber for its tremendous beauty. He is quite proud of it.
Color Index: PBr7
Drying: Fast
Transparency: Semi-Transparent
Lightfastness: Excellent
Oil Content: Average
Tint Power: Average
Toxicity: Non-Toxic
ASTM D-4236
Vegan: Yes